
SocialismIsStupid t1_izrsnqb wrote

So wait do you trust doctors or not? 99% of doctors recommend the Covid vax. Yes, there are a few quack doctors on the Internet. That’s one of the main issues with the internet. You get one doctor saying these crazy claims then 99 others saying it’s safe. Yet, anitivaxers hold on to that 1% dearly acting like it’s 50/50 divide when it’s 99/1.


SocialismIsStupid t1_izrn3fx wrote

I’d like to add it seems a large contingent are baby boomers who are in denial of their own mortality. They were the first true generation to be coddled with modern medicine. They grew up with modern antibiotics, anesthesia, and etc. Death to every generation before them was something normal. Boomers though were the first ones to grow up with out their peers dying from preventable illnesses. Only accidents and really rare occurrences. Now, they are over 60 and their friends are dying of natural causes and they see their time is running short. So they looking for something to blame. Something they can control. “It wasn’t their age or the years of partying and being overweight. It was the vaccine that killed Bob. I just gotta avoid the vaccine and I’ll be ok…Ya just gotta avoid the old vaccine and I won’t die that’s all I gotta do.” And they keep repeating that to themselves. The scary thing is every generation I think is going to have a large section like that going forward.


SocialismIsStupid t1_izrm0qb wrote