
Socksmaster t1_iy5e32j wrote

  1. When it comes to people interactions such as with jobs, relationships, friendships where the redditors ask of you to be the "tough guy"...never listen to reddit. So many people here glamourize what really happen and lie.
  2. If an interviewer doubles down on a question, that means they really want an answer give it them the true answer or lie.
  3. If you really want something and its going to benefit you, sometimes you gotta take a hit. Lets say you really got paid 30 an hour and because of that they offered 35 an hour when they really were prepared to give you 40 an hour...well at least you got a raise and you can move up the next time.
  4. Be polite at all times during an interview. Anything you say in a negative tone, any vague answer you give will be multiplied times 10 in how they look at you.