My center of the typhoon moment was at a party on an upstairs apartment, having consumed a tab of acid, a four loko, and some flora. I was very intoxicated. Everybody was being too loud and I was in the corner in a zen state suggesting that we all be considerate of our downstairs neighbors so that we didn't have our mellow harshed by the law.
SolaireOfSuburbia t1_j7i80zd wrote
Reply to comment by Stornahal in ‘Flow’, comparable to the Chinese concept of Wu Wei, dissolves our sense of self and transforms our experience of time. It’s an antidote to the modern world’s obsession with multitasking, but finding it depends on balancing the challenge of a task against our skill. by IAI_Admin
My center of the typhoon moment was at a party on an upstairs apartment, having consumed a tab of acid, a four loko, and some flora. I was very intoxicated. Everybody was being too loud and I was in the corner in a zen state suggesting that we all be considerate of our downstairs neighbors so that we didn't have our mellow harshed by the law.