
SomeWeirdoOnTheNet t1_jdh18yd wrote

Gandalf, grading papers: "You shall not pass, you shall not pass...

raises an eyebrow

"you definitely shall not pass."

Gets to Fred and George Weasley's paper and chuckles

"I must try that with my fireworks"

Meanwhile, in the Shire

Dumbledore: "Take my arm Frodo. Hold tight."

aparates to Mount Doom with the hobbit

Frodo: "I think I may throw up."

Dumbledore: "You'll be fine, Frodo. Now, be a good lad and toss the horcrux into the lava."

Frodo, dropping the One Ring over the edge: "That was easier than I though."

Dumbledore: "Hmmm, better safe than sorry."

pushes Frodo into the lava too
