
SophiesUncle t1_ja5ojup wrote

Yeah it's not a weird way to live at all, because almost everyone's expenses are monthly (mortgage/rent, utilities, cell phone, etc). Most people that get biweekly, or weekly, pay, budget their 2 cheques (or 4) to cover these expenses and leave extra for savings/whatever. So, when that extra cheque in that month comes in, it does feel good and does feel like extra money.

Maybe you're lucky enough not to live pay cheque to pay cheque, but not everyone is, and to make a comment like this shows what type of person you truly are. Why make a comment basically making fun of someone's financial situation?


SophiesUncle t1_ja5njqr wrote

Lol it's not October and May. Everyone gets paid at different times of the week. Some get paid on Thursdays, some Fridays, etc. Also, different weeks, maybe we're both Fridays but your pay is this week and mine is next week, that'll change the months that get the 3rd paycheck. Also, every year it changes too, not always consistent. The only month you know it probably won't be would be February. Unless it perfectly works out that when a pay occurs on Feb 1st, it's also a leap year.