
Speakdoggo t1_ja7o35v wrote

How about we start by stopping the funding ( subsidies ) of fossil fuels? It’s what , 1T a year globally now? Or was it 1.3? The numbers are so astronomical I can’t even fathom what that amount is. Take money out of politics so we can vote for progressive policies which keep allowing the oligarchs to rule…and pay lawmakers to make rules which favor them.


Speakdoggo t1_j2768vs wrote

They mate for life ya know…and they never let a gosling be an orphan, so you know… you might be a dad …for a looong time. Mine lived maybe 15 years? He would love on all the women who came to our farm and he would wait for a guy to pass and then run after him and bite him ( or try to ) on the calf, twisting as he clamped down to leave a red welt raised up half an inch with red dots as the capillaries were damaged. How did he know a woman from a man …everybody dresses in pants basically. I don’t know…but he did


Speakdoggo t1_j1qrfh1 wrote

You are so talented! It totally brings out the moment or joy, maybe a joke told? And enduring love. ( we all assume they didn’t just meet which might be totally wrong). It makes you smile just looking at it. Great colors and focus on the subjects. I love it! Do you have other portraits to share?