Starfire70 t1_j67ve25 wrote
Reply to Near-whole ankylosaur remains found, complete with its jagged spikes, most of its limbs, armor coating, and some of its guts and stomach contents. The remains could be a key to understanding aspects of Early Cretaceous ecology, and shows how this species may have lived within its environment. by drewiepoodle
Wow. Looks like he/she's just taking a nap and could wake up at any moment.
Starfire70 t1_j67vbiu wrote
Reply to comment by IDontTrustGod in Near-whole ankylosaur remains found, complete with its jagged spikes, most of its limbs, armor coating, and some of its guts and stomach contents. The remains could be a key to understanding aspects of Early Cretaceous ecology, and shows how this species may have lived within its environment. by drewiepoodle
Love it. Anky had to be with the likes of TRex running around. There's a fight in the 'Walking With Dinosaurs' miniseries where an Anky critically wounds a TRex with its tail club.
Starfire70 t1_is9oujc wrote
Reply to How to handle a rude neighbour by Tardigradelegs
Fish definitely have a sense of humor and rivalry, especially freshwater Clown Loaches (not pictured here).
Starfire70 t1_ja7cugl wrote
Reply to The Desert of the Virtual. The metaverse heralds an age in which hardly anyone still believes that tech firms can actually solve our problems by Maxwellsdemon17
I don't think that's the take I would make. Zuckerberg is trying to repeat his early success in introducing Facebook, and he just can't do it. Genius doesn't run on an assembly line and sometimes one great idea is all someone has regardless of the resources at their disposal.
I think using that to conclude that tech firms can't innovate and are stuck in a rut that is feeding a burgeoning dystopia is an over generalization. Someone will always come along with a brand new idea or innovation that will help push civilization forward. History is replete with examples.