
StupidNCrazy t1_j2fwz8r wrote

This was a while back. Coworker asked me to make him a custom report.

So I told him I would, and then I'd put it on the shared drive, and I did. Onto the shared drive it went.

Next day in the afternoon, I get a hot email from our boss about that coworker needing that report, how important it was for me to be timely, etc.

So I checked the shared drive. Sure enough, there it was. Creation date and time intact and all. My beautiful baby boy.

So I replied casually, "Yeah, he mentioned that yesterday and I let him know it'd be on the shared drive, where it's been since yesterday. If there's anything else I can do to help, let me know."

This man, with a decade of life on me, comes to my office, "Haha, hey man, I know how that looked so I didn't want you to think I was trying to throw you under the bus or anything, you know? Hahahaha I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was trying to sneak behind you or anything man hahaha"

Dude... yes you were. You know it. I know it. Your boss knows it. And honestly I'd have respected you more if you just owned it instead of coming here with this b/s. Now I don't respect you at all. So all I said back was "Don't worry about it". Thanks for stopping by!