
Sunghana t1_j1kj5jo wrote

It is a treaty RIGHT. Please tell me how it is weird to abide by a signed agreement.The U.S. has, and continues to, break signed treaties with tribes. Tribes were able to "enforce" this right but even then it is adequately funded which partially explains how Native health outcomes are incredibly bad compared to other ethnic/racial groups in the U.S.

Indian Health Services has to compete for funding with other government agencies. It isn't an entitlement (or held in trust) and funding has to be approved by Congress. Remember when people were bitching about death panels? IHS has something called Purchased/Referred Care. Referrals and emergencies are ranked on a priority scale from 1 (emergency, life-threatening) to 5 (cosmetic/elective/experimental treatments). If a tribe runs out of money, they can't pay for services and if they can't pay, your referral gets deferred until either more funding shows up or something super not good happens that moves you up the priority scale such as having a heart attack. So preventative care isn't guaranteed and worse health outcomes are a result. Now have that happen for generations and tell me it's weird to treat victims of theft differently? We stole their land, their language & culture, their children (boarding schools then, foster care now) and underfund their health programs. Learn some history...😒