
t1_jbxx4kb wrote

Yeah - it would be interesting to see the hoops parents jump through to claim “my child would never do that” while watching it play out. One of the most brilliant moments I ever saw was when a student abused a bus driver with a string of expletives - the administrator marched the student into his office, called the students mother, handed him the phone and said “tell your mother what you just said to that bus driver”. No more plausible deniability when you hear it out of your child’s own mouth.


t1_jbxnjvr wrote

This is a myth - teachers can be fired. Administrators need detailed records showing why the teacher should be fired. It’s a pain in the butt, but if a teacher is bad and the admin wants to get rid of them, they need to collect evidence.
The Union is there to make sure this happens and it’s not just random. The problem is, many administrators are just as overwhelmed as teachers and simply don’t have the time or energy to do it. It’s a systemic problem…bad teachers slip through cracks just like bad students slip through cracks, just like bad workers in the private sector slip through cracks. It’s usually because someone at the top is too focused on something else to notice or decides it’s not worth the effort.