SuspiciousStable9649 t1_ja60837 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatsNotMyDogma in Russias Medvedev says arms supplies to Kyiv threaten global nuclear catastrophe by R1ckCrypto
Or increase them. You know. As needed.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_ja369ax wrote
Reply to Rock climbing affects cliff-plant communities by reducing species diversity and altering species coexistence patterns by nnomadic
And how did you complete this study? Mmmmmm?
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_ja21eyk wrote
I love how the crayon lines include simulated volatility.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_ja16xs7 wrote
Reply to comment by Diltyrr in Russia halts pipeline oil supplies to Poland, says PKN Orlen by Smilefriend
🥴 That’s true!
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j9z6vh0 wrote
Russia proactively cutting off oil and gas versus customers cutting it off concerns me. It concerns me that Russia might have a coherent plan and they convinced the oligarchs to go along with it. Probably convinced on threat of defenestration, but still.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j9wgwve wrote
Reply to For marginal occupations licensed by U.S. states, the welfare costs of licensing exceeds the benefits, as workers have to expend resources to obtain the license and consumers pay higher prices. [The study looks at professions that require license in some states but not others]. by smurfyjenkins
Rich companies don’t want the competition. You work for corporate! (Did I get that right?)
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j9wek18 wrote
Waiting for that one last rug pull…
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j9vr06u wrote
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j9dbqdh wrote
Reply to comment by funwithtentacles in World to face wars over food and water without climate action, EU green deal chief says by YoanB
This criticism was quite foretelling: Penelope Gilliatt of The New Yorker was negative, writing, "This pompously prophetic thing of a film hasn't a brain in its beanbag. Where is democracy? Where is the popular vote? Where is women's lib? Where are the uprising poor, who would have suspected what was happening in a moment?"[15]
There appears to be a lot of beanbags missing brains.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j9dabme wrote
Reply to comment by GullibleRush8040 in World to face wars over food and water without climate action, EU green deal chief says by YoanB
You and about 20% of the population appear to feel this way.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8ozrat wrote
Well I could tell you…. What was I saying?
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8llwdn wrote
Reply to comment by unknowncatman in The Radial Variation of the Solar Wind Turbulence Spectra near the Kinetic Break Scale from Parker Solar Probe Measurements by CESRA_highlights
They hope to be able to warn earth better about big scary solar events in terms of time of arrival and intensity and duration by looking at how [bumpy] and [sloping/muddy?] the road is between here and the sun. They’re almost looking up the sun’s driveway with the PSP.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8kzuzb wrote
Reply to comment by popcorntrio in New study shows Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8℃ planetary warming by 9273629397759992
You mean like this?
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8kfedt wrote
Reply to comment by impersonatefun in New study shows Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8℃ planetary warming by 9273629397759992
You know a lot of people are going to die, right? This isn’t some fairy tale where we stop putting animals in a cage and force feeding them for months. There are skyscraper pig farms in China. It’s only going to get worse.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8k2jrv wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Champion6840 in New study shows Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8℃ planetary warming by 9273629397759992
Gotta do more than that.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8k2gr1 wrote
Reply to comment by Forakinderworld in New study shows Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8℃ planetary warming by 9273629397759992
Well, not with the current population.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8k2c1l wrote
Reply to New study shows Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8℃ planetary warming by 9273629397759992
I have empirical evidence not enough people care.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8hki2c wrote
Reply to comment by FlametopFred in The Radial Variation of the Solar Wind Turbulence Spectra near the Kinetic Break Scale from Parker Solar Probe Measurements by CESRA_highlights
I think it’s kind of the kinetic to magnetic influence ratio on solar flux at variable distance from the sun. But I’m not sure.
“break frequency is estimated by finding the frequency where the average dissipation and inertial range fits to the log-spaced magnetic field power spectral density cross each other”
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j6pj01v wrote
Reply to comment by mrmrmrj in Hedge funds and institutional investors are holding a record net short position against US Treasuries (CFTC data) by Infamous_Sympathy_91
I was looking for someone to find a way to say this clearly means the opposite of what the chart implies.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j6gqmfi wrote
Ahhhhh. This is why authoritarians claim such high percentages.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j6gow6n wrote
Damn it, I sprayed coffee on my laptop.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j6goqca wrote
Did anyone think otherwise?? I’m confused.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j6gfxx0 wrote
Reply to comment by unknownpanda121 in Short days to cover for the past year by mlamping
In fact - don’t pretend.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j6eksvi wrote
If you’re not a troll, you should probably leave for your own protection.
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_ja60cke wrote
Reply to comment by TactlesslyTactful in Russias Medvedev says arms supplies to Kyiv threaten global nuclear catastrophe by R1ckCrypto
Best comment of the day so far. Nice job!