
SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j9dbqdh wrote

This criticism was quite foretelling: Penelope Gilliatt of The New Yorker was negative, writing, "This pompously prophetic thing of a film hasn't a brain in its beanbag. Where is democracy? Where is the popular vote? Where is women's lib? Where are the uprising poor, who would have suspected what was happening in a moment?"[15]

There appears to be a lot of beanbags missing brains.


SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8llwdn wrote


They hope to be able to warn earth better about big scary solar events in terms of time of arrival and intensity and duration by looking at how [bumpy] and [sloping/muddy?] the road is between here and the sun. They’re almost looking up the sun’s driveway with the PSP.


SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j8hki2c wrote

I think it’s kind of the kinetic to magnetic influence ratio on solar flux at variable distance from the sun. But I’m not sure.

“break frequency is estimated by finding the frequency where the average dissipation and inertial range fits to the log-spaced magnetic field power spectral density cross each other”