
Swan_X1 t1_j9cax2e wrote

Hello. I read an interesting fact about this book, and to be precise, about the process of writing it. You know, there is such a thing - I Ching, or Book of Changes. So, so with the help of a coin toss, you can supposedly determine the probability of an event, this is something like a prophet or an oracle. This is also mentioned in the book.

And so... the author wrote "The Man in the High Castle" using this book of changes. Should heroes go one way or another? Should the heroes of the book meet or not? Should the hero of the book fall in love with a woman or not? And everything in that spirit was decided by a blind chance, a coin toss.

When I found out this, it opened my eyes to some plot twists, partly explained the ending of the book, and in general it became clear why the plot behaves like a yacht in a storm.

I do not pretend that this is not really the case, but what the author loved... let's just say experimenting with various mind-expanding substances... it might have been just like him.