
t1_jdycm5s wrote

I would suggest Middletown area. Not a bad drive to New Haven or WeHa from there. Then jump on the express train from New Haven.

Depending on times you have to go, you could even go up to the Berlin area and jump on a train from the Berlin station to New Haven then get on an express train. Your commute will be longer, but you’ll be able to do work on the train. Also, your wife will have a shorter commute and happy wife, happy life.


t1_jdsn0kp wrote

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Another option is to take the train from Hartford to New Haven and then switch to metro north. The train to New Haven from Hartford should be less than $10 round trip (it’s $7 from Berlin). As long as the times of those trains work for you, it’s easier than driving and parking and having to drive home an hour after you are tired from a day walking around the city. Also, you can probably take the bus or Uber from your house so you don’t have to worry about paying for parking.

If you don’t mind driving a little, parking at Berlin station is like $2 for the day.


t1_ja9zc5n wrote

I earn about $62k before taxes and own a 3 bed, 1.5 bath Cape Cod and still am able to afford everything (including a car payment, usual utilities, and insurance for everything including two cars) and put away about 8% a month into retirement/savings.

I was lucky and got my house about 6 years ago before the market went crazy.

I probably wouldn’t be able to afford my house now in the current market (the value of my house has increased about 40ish% in the last 2.5 years) but it is possible to own below 70k.


t1_j0r5xe5 wrote

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Ok mine is a pretty similar timeline, however I tried to sign up last month and missed the email until this past week. I’m just hoping mine goes through since your rate is only locked for 30 days until they redo the contract and my 30 days is fast approaching.


t1_iqoc6eh wrote

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The latest blue book value for my 2017 Tucson with 50k is about 18k for private party sale. And you know any dealerships are gonna cost a few thousand more just because they are a dealership. Add in the fact that it has a brand new motor and you just can’t find used cars, the dealership is gonna tack on a few thousand more.

As it is, my car is worth more now than I paid for it when I got it in August 2020.