
SylviaMarsh t1_j7pl5lh wrote

I mean, for me personally, fibro is only one of several chronic conditions I have to manage in my day-to-day life (others include an inoperable herniated disc, as well as microscopic colitis).

You're right: waking up every day feeling as though you completely overdid it the previous day is hard to live with. Before I realised that caffeine was a massive trigger for my fibro pain, I'd wake up every morning feeling as though I'd been in a car crash. Without caffeine in my diet, I now have daily pain that's somewhere around a 5 out of 10; this is my "business as usual", although I still have flare-ups from time to time.

When you're dealing with one chronic health problem, it's a challenge. When you're dealing with several of them, life is damn near impossible at times.


SylviaMarsh t1_j718z28 wrote

Thank you; it's not easy, but I have times where the pain and fatigue are less severe, so I've learned to appreciate those periods when they come around.

Thanks again for sharing this; it certainly resonated with my own personal experience, and it will be a most useful tool to direct folk to this when I'm trying to convey what I have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. All the best. :)


SylviaMarsh t1_j6zyj4q wrote

I have fibromyalgia and (sadly) this is an eerily accurate representation of many folks' conceptions of fibro pain. It's right up there with "oh, but you don't look sick, so you must be okay, right?"

I mean, every single one of my bones and joints feel as though they're on fire and being drilled through with power tools but...yeah...I must be fine because I don't have any visible signs of illness.

This fire-body image is scarily close to depicting fibro pain; I'm going to use this when describing my pain levels to folk from this point on. Thanks for this, OP; it's most helpful!


SylviaMarsh t1_iu6udgk wrote

Reply to comment by silasoulman in LPT — Boycott Twitter by silasoulman

Elon Musk; his current net worth is over $200bn.

For context, $1bn is the same as 1000 million dollars.

We use words like millionaire and billionaire without pausing to acknowledge just how massive an amount of money that actually is.

Edit: fixed a typo.