The original paper is even more uplifting than this article : it also mentions that the material (an oxidized covalent triazine framework - CTF-OX) removes >99.9% of micropollutants and 98% of VOCs in less than 10 seconds.
The team also broke the record for the highest uptake rate ever recorded for Bisphenol A (BPA), with 21.9 g mg−1 min−1.
The entire system uses evaporation, by placing it in direct sunlight (1 kW/m²). No electricity required.
The researchers claim that the purification system is made of inexpensive raw materials and is way cheaper than current solutions.
Syrus_101 t1_j7yfeaa wrote
Reply to High-efficiency water filter removes 99.9% of microplastics in 10 seconds by livn4summr
The original paper is even more uplifting than this article : it also mentions that the material (an oxidized covalent triazine framework - CTF-OX) removes >99.9% of micropollutants and 98% of VOCs in less than 10 seconds. The team also broke the record for the highest uptake rate ever recorded for Bisphenol A (BPA), with 21.9 g mg−1 min−1.
The entire system uses evaporation, by placing it in direct sunlight (1 kW/m²). No electricity required.
The researchers claim that the purification system is made of inexpensive raw materials and is way cheaper than current solutions.
The abstract can be found here :