
Szablog t1_j6d715j wrote

The entire eviction process and most tenants' rights are outlined on the New Hampshire Legal Assistance (NHLA) website. LARC, mentioned in another comment, has been folded into 603 Legal Aid and may have the same info on their site.


Szablog t1_izfdjv7 wrote


Szablog t1_izeshpb wrote

Some Canadian nonprofit is allegedly planning to make Berlin a stop on a night train between Montreal and Portland/Boston. Risky investment rn but could pay off.


Szablog t1_iwejllv wrote

I just moved to Concord from CA and have not been able to find a PCP within a 50-minute drive--no one is accepting new patients. My partner also waits months for specialist openings (cardio, neuro). I've been unable to find a gastro for the past six months. If you have medical concerns, I'd be careful about NH. Otherwise, it's absolutely beautiful and I recommend it highly.