TCNW t1_jeghboq wrote

Seriously, what’s up with the people in this sub posting their old cheap gross garbage that any normal human would have thrown out decades ago.

This place is supposed to be about helping people buy high quality products that will last.

Not about bragging about a disgusting 50 yr old potato peeler of all things. Sheesh

I hope this was just a joke post


TCNW t1_ja87u0m wrote

After highschool you have a couple options:

  1. Technical school (usually called ‘college’)
  2. University

Technical schools (colleges) are usually 2 yrs long, and give out ‘diplomas’. They usually teach practical subjects (like in trades etc). But also teach similar things as universities.

Universities usually are 4 yrs, and give out ‘degrees’. An ‘undergraduate degree’ is what you get in the first 4 yrs.

After you get an undergraduate degree, you can go back to university and get a graduate degree (also called a ‘Masters degree’). Usually that takes 1-2 yrs.

After you get a Masters degree, you can go back to university again, and get a PHD (also called a ‘doctorate’). This can take anywhere from 3-10 yrs.