t1_j7zfzmf wrote

This is a fuckup you can be thankful for. You may have avoided the suckiest "job" in America. They want to send you out on the street to beg - er, "fund raise" by hustling up strangers to make donations. All so this "nonprofit" can pay its directors big salaries. They prey on idealistic college students who want to "make a difference". In reality the job is little different that joining a magazine crew -- and at least the magazine crew is honest about what it's selling.

Source: Had a friend do NYPIRG one summer in college. She said it sucked. Most of their time spent pocketing cash donations to buy lunch or smoking pot

Keep looking for jobs. There are all kinds of jobs that get you out in the wilderness with no need to wear a suit. Legitimate organizations don't lie about what they're doing and have sufficient budget to actually pay staff rather than sending them out to beg for money.