
TampaBai t1_je0ge56 wrote

I would assert that we are under the guidance of the Strong Anthropic Principle. That is to say, we cannot even imagine a universe in which we would not exist as observers and participate in the ongoing evolution and co-creation of the universe. Our observations and the tools we construct to make those observations help shape the structure we see around us, from the quantum to the macro-classical level. It may well be that our destiny is to create and merge with the singularity as the universe continues its relentless march toward maximum computational density and efficiency. We are receding into a singularity more so than expanding outward into space.


TampaBai t1_j98pfta wrote

Yes, this fiasco reminds me of Steve Jobs' stealing the intellectual property of the GUI from Xerox. They (Xerox) were sitting on perfectly implementable technology, but didn't seem to think there was any need for ordinary consumers to use such an interface. Jobs evidently never signed any kind of confidentiality agreement as Xerox assumed his intentions for touring the facility were for educational proposes. Soon thereafter, Jobs pilfered Xerox's technology -- and the rest is history, as we all are accustomed to using what became the "mouse". I hope there are others who, like Jobs, will do what it takes to get this tech into all of our hands as soon as possible.


TampaBai t1_iz9xj2k wrote

When you realize what a bunch of BS organized religion is -- Christianity and Islam in particular -- then you closely observe nature, it begins to seep in that this is pretty much the only life we have. There is no honor in death, no childish afterlife based on how well we bargain with the "Boss Man in the Sky". Yet the average rube clings to immature and illogical notions of the inevitability and necessity of death. My hope is that once people see that life extension, or at the very least, longevity escape velocity, is a very real prospect, then the unwashed masses might finally throw off the chains of organized religion, and we as a Nation can unite around a proper Transhumanist logic based religion.


TampaBai t1_iy0w382 wrote

Yep, if you ever read Yuval Noah Harari's books, he's that arrogant and contemptuous snob who coined the phrase "useless class" to refer to all of us plebes who don't have degrees from Cal Tech, MIT, or Stanford, and who don't code or otherwise work in a tech field. Or Ray Kurzweil who is constantly admonishing the rest of us to "keep up" and learn new trades. Those whose jobs are safe and secure will continue to shrink, save a few at the very top, who will continue to consolidate their power and lord over us with ever increasing contempt.