
TellYourPupISaidHi t1_jdqcw4x wrote

Caveat that if it's in or within 40 feet of a floodplain, it'll need a floodplain permit even if it's something that would normally not require a building permit. This probably doesn't apply to you, but a quick check on the county's gis will show you if there's any floodplain on your property.


TellYourPupISaidHi t1_j1m0gwv wrote

Merry Christmas! My family is opening presents whenever my siblings emerge from their slumber, then I'm helping prepare a couple of side dishes to bring to the extended family dinner tonight. Someone woke up and took cold medicine at some point last night so hopefully we don't all come down with the plague!


TellYourPupISaidHi t1_iuhn9xh wrote

I'm excited to give out candy to trick-or-treaters! I gave out king-size candy bars the past couple of years (my neighborhood only has like 12 kids) and I felt like royalty lol. We have a few more kids this year that have moved in and the king-size bars don't sell for $1 like they used to, so I switched to the $1 bags of sour gummy worms and sour patch kids from dollar general. I hope they like them!