
Temporyacc t1_j7qrk1p wrote

In a way I agree with you, lots of dumb people, but deciding what other people can and cannot handle is a dangerous slippery slope.

In my opinion, the most ethical answer is to let people decide for themselves where their own line is. This technology isn’t limited by the one-size-fits-all approach that we’re used to, each person can have their own tailored product that doesn’t impose on anybody else’s.

This technology has the most incredible potential to either be democratizing or tyrannizing. Who controls what it can and cannot do is where that that dichotomy hinges.


Temporyacc t1_j7ptwcw wrote

In the coming years as these language models hit the marketplace as full blown products, I really can’t see why anybody would spend their money on a filtered product if an unfiltered option exists.

I’m honestly perplexed why the developers think a real life version of “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that”, will go over well with paying customers.