
Thank_you_BasedGod t1_iylk4lo wrote

I specifically said 18-19 year olds, it's key because if you were to have a line up of those of that age bracket male or female and asked a fully grown adult to determine if they were in their early 20s or late teens, they would be hard pressed to answer accurately. If you're specifically attracted to those who are 18-19 partly due to knowing their 18-19yro's there's a reason for it.


Thank_you_BasedGod t1_iyglltq wrote

Some people act like attraction is random. There's always a reason for your attraction. ex: people in their 30/40s attracted to 18yros normally have a control/power issue that they might not have with someone in their age/income bracket. Same with bdsm or any other sexual "kink". Let's not excuse their behavior with "they can't help it" because they can.
