That_Turn3520 t1_jcu35a5 wrote
Reply to [Image] The distance between failure & Success is measured by your hard work.Sandeep Sethi by SansethiQuotes
This doesn’t make sense.
If you do a lot of hard work, the distance between success and failure is small. But you still fail.
If you are a long way from success, your hard work is small? Is that past hard work? Future hard work? Optimal current level of work?
This dude needed to work harder (or possibly less hard?) on his sentence structure. Because he failed.
That_Turn3520 t1_j36ztli wrote
That_Turn3520 t1_j2d1mcq wrote
Reply to comment by PlantLadyB in What's the best audiobook you've listened to? by TheAres1999
I enjoyed the first one, but geez, they are long. The plot didn’t move fast enough for me in audiobook format.
That_Turn3520 t1_j2d1gls wrote
Reply to comment by TheAres1999 in What's the best audiobook you've listened to? by TheAres1999
Oh yeah, Hinglebonk Shubendorf is great.
That_Turn3520 t1_j2d1bbd wrote
Reply to comment by MisterBigDude in What's the best audiobook you've listened to? by TheAres1999
I loved the trilogy. Andy Serkis is a phenomenal talent. The way he uses his voice for different characters makes it so immersive.
When I read the books I tended to skip over the songs and poems, they seemed self-indulgent to me, something that Tolkien loved, but a slog to read. But listening to Andy Serkis sing them really brought them to life. (Except the songs that Aragorn and Legolas sang for Boromir. That was too much.)
That_Turn3520 t1_iuj51fm wrote
Reply to comment by truupe in Anyone who’s read “12 rules for life” by JBP finds it so harsh and unforgiving? by newbalancewearer
“Up yours, woke moralists!” Is so funny. Who talks like that?
That_Turn3520 t1_iuj4qgp wrote
Reply to comment by DannyBrownsDoritos in Anyone who’s read “12 rules for life” by JBP finds it so harsh and unforgiving? by newbalancewearer
And just look at him! This is the guy you want to be your mentor? Addicted to benzos, talks like Kermit the Frog, got totally destroyed when he tried to debate an actual philosopher (Slavoj Zizek), seems to be controlled by his daughter. He’s a very, very weird man.
That_Turn3520 t1_is9cy36 wrote
Reply to comment by SavageBodyCivilMind in Can't Keep Me Down [Image] by true90sstory
Only a PLUMBER born in JULY will understand.
That_Turn3520 t1_jdf37ik wrote
Reply to Do you have to be unhappy now for success in the future? [Discussion] by TreatThompson
First week at the gym sucks.
Second week is easier.
By the fourth week, you’re looking forward to it.
I wish you all the best in blasting through the suck so you can experience the enjoyment