ThatsXCOM t1_j96hc1i wrote

To be brutally honest which Reddit will I'm sure discourage with all of the downvotes you should not be getting excited about getting a Happy Meal toy at 23.

Can you? Yes. Should you? No. And yes, if you choose to do that you are going to be judged for it.

Why would you be judged for living the way you choose to you might be asking? Because there's a societal expectation that as you grow up that your interests change with age. I don't make those rules, I'm just pointing them out, they have existed since the dawn of mankind and not liking them does not change them.

This is the same reason why you would probably be bothered if you met a 25 year old guy who you were interested in and found out that he watches My Little Pony, Dora the Explorer and other cartoons in his spare time.