
TheCervus t1_jcj6aw1 wrote

I saw a dude leaving the post office today with a box of live baby chicks. He was walking very carefully and I held the door for him, but I didn't realize what the package was until I heard all the cheeping. It made me smile because while I knew that chicks can be sent through the mail, I'd never seen it before. I hope they all made it.


TheCervus t1_j7zgdm9 wrote

I paint abstract art and I've sold a few paintings. I literally tell my buyers: "It's abstract. There's no top or bottom. Hang it whichever direction you like best." I sign them on the back for that reason.

As long as I've painted something that I like, I'm happy. If other people like it too, that's just a bonus. My abstract art is about evoking a mood or vibe. Or at the very least, something that makes you think "That's kinda cool" even if you don't have the vocabulary to express why you like it.