TheD0rkKnight t1_jbpunwy wrote
Reply to Elizabeth Banks Leads Voice Cast Of ‘The Flintstones’ Animated Series ‘Bedrock’ As Comedy Scores Pilot Presentation At Fox by MarvelsGrantMan136
I have nothing against it personally, but why is it okay for other races to be cast for a white role (disclaimer: I’m not white), but when a white person plays a non-white role (like the Simpsons cast, for example) people are “offended”?
TheD0rkKnight t1_iueyflv wrote
Reply to comment by SPorterBridges in The Simpsons "IT" Tribute was pretty amazing by strangehitman22
As someone who has been watching since season 1, but stopped around season 10.. these new seasons are pretty darn good! Good writing, plots, and actually funny. Definitely more adult at times than the past, however.
TheD0rkKnight t1_jbqcahj wrote
Reply to comment by NGNSteveTheSamurai in Elizabeth Banks Leads Voice Cast Of ‘The Flintstones’ Animated Series ‘Bedrock’ As Comedy Scores Pilot Presentation At Fox by MarvelsGrantMan136
God forbid someone ask a reasonable question without some internet troll with anger issues barking at them