
TheGeneGeena t1_j7foqpk wrote


TheGeneGeena t1_itqke44 wrote

It's very rare that it happens here, but we've had ice storms take out power for a week. The last time I remember it going out that long here was over a decade ago though (Arkansas), but Oklahoma had parts that went out close to that a couple of years ago.

The power companies here have done a lot of work burying their lines where they can. A lot of power lines can't be buried in parts the country for various geological reasons though, so outages are always a risk.


TheGeneGeena t1_itpofld wrote

"People who do not have the same access to enabling institutions – in other words, people in rural regions – tend not to have the most relevant digital skills. They will have a hard time finding good remote jobs."

I feel like this is a pretty key take away. Rural people might have the same access to these jobs now, but employers are going to choose the urban worker whose had the easier access to skill development and education.


TheGeneGeena t1_is0mv4z wrote

Seeing these maps is always really hard. Lost one of my best friends/late husband (he didn't want to die alone...) when he was 22 and I was 21 to esophageal adenocarcinoma. He grew up in a community that's suspected to be heavily exposed.


TheGeneGeena t1_iryjz0y wrote

Well, they're not sentient or even animals so technically "cooperating" feels like an overstatement - but there is a biological issue the cells overcome by grouping up, mucus and their own inability to swim straight.