TheJANlTOR OP t1_jb5pqfc wrote

>Have you tried destroying or throwing away your computer ?

I've definitely thought about it, but the thing is, I don't think that would solve the problem. It's not just the game or my computer that's the issue here. The NPC characters have somehow gained sentience and have become a part of my reality. They follow me everywhere I go, haunting me day and night. I'm afraid that even if I were to destroy my computer, they would still be there, watching me, waiting for me to slip up and make a mistake.

It's like they've become a part of me, and there's no escaping them. I've tried everything to get rid of them - uninstalling the game, deleting it from my computer, even trying to reformat my hard drive - but nothing seems to work. They always find a way back.

I know it sounds crazy, but it's like they're alive, and they won't rest until they've made me pay for what I did in the game. I just hope that by warning others, I can prevent someone else from making the same mistake I did. Who knows how many USB sticks there are... And who put them there?