
TheMan5991 t1_je9rbri wrote

There is a limit to how fast something can go. c is the universal speed limit. Photons and other massless particles travel at that speed.

There is not a limit to how much gravity something can have. So, for black holes, they have so much gravity that their escape velocity is higher than c.


TheMan5991 t1_j2dasck wrote

> The zero gravity is only possible in orbit where the forces cancel out.

Zero gravity is not possible anywhere. Zero Gs, on the other hand, is possible almost anywhere. Orbit is just the best place to experience zero Gs for any significant amount of time.


TheMan5991 t1_j24x2e1 wrote

I wouldn’t even say they’re situational ironies. Irony is specifically when something is the opposite of what you expect. If someone says they have a fear of public speaking, that sets you up to expect that they would have a very private career. If they then told you that they were a professor for a Freshman class of 200 students, that would be ironic.

A fly in your chardonnay is not opposite to any expectations because the simple act of having a glass of chardonnay doesn’t set up any expectations. You’re not actively expecting there not to be a fly, so if a fly shows up, it’s simply unexpected. And unexpected and ironic are the same.


TheMan5991 t1_is6uog4 wrote

It may not change the shape, but it is very misleading. You should use the same unit for both axes and just show the relative numbers. For example, rather than showing the US as 5/100k murders and 28/10M police killings, it would be more sincere to show 5/100k murders and 0.28/100k police killings. Or 500/10M and 28/10M. Because when people are reading the graph as you have it, they are going to see 5 and 28 and think that police kill almost 6 times as many people as other criminals. In reality, they kill a little over 5% as much.

Also, doesn’t make any sense to choose 10M since many of those countries on the left side don’t even have 10M people.


TheMan5991 t1_iredhl9 wrote

Perhaps the hospital company has an obligation to provide brick-laying lessons to everyone. You don’t need to be an expert brick layer, you just need to know the basics. Their will always be differences of opinion on what shape the hospital should be in. Some people will want the walls to have 90° angles. Others will want 30°. Some may even want curved walls. But as long everyone knows how to lay a brick, the hospital will stand.