TheNightIsLost t1_j8srb3h wrote
Reply to comment by SpreadEagleCros_s in [OC] History of how the U.S. economy outstripped the U.K. economy and how Brexit deepened the gap by tabthough
> instance, the Panic of 1873 lasted 6 years and saw double digit unemployment. The Panic of 1893 lasted 4 years.
The Great Depression lasted for 12 years of high unemployment, and it happened AFTER the Fed was made.
TheNightIsLost t1_j6m9edq wrote
Reply to comment by insufferablyaverage in Countries with the longest life expectancies REVEALED in interactive map by mandyJournal
The US also has higher obesity rates, higher addiction rates, and a public that really hates living healthy.
China, in contrast, has crushed the drug trade and is less obese due to cultural reasons (at least for now, because obesity rates are skyrocketing there).
TheNightIsLost t1_j2crw2p wrote
Reply to comment by Newmanuel in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
Genghis Khan's empire lasted for a long time compared to Alexander's.
TheNightIsLost t1_j2ceuis wrote
Reply to comment by Archaeologoggles in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
Those were not his accomplishments, those were just some of the tools he used to set up his accomplishments.
I can't argue that if not for daddy dearest, Alex wouldn't have been able to start to become a great conqueror until he was in his 40s.
TheNightIsLost t1_j2c8hrj wrote
Reply to comment by ArmedBull in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
Frederick was a warmongering lunatic though, and only survived because of sheer luck.
Prussia then proceeded to follow his example of having basically no strategy asides from "ATTACK!!!", and ignoring anything beyond tactics.
TheNightIsLost t1_j2c89i6 wrote
Reply to comment by Hydra57 in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
Nah, he was pretty awesome. But yeah, he would have ended up like Napoleon if not for his dad leaving him that army.
TheNightIsLost t1_j2a7dow wrote
Reply to comment by AdamantEevee in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
Song Dynasty. Idiots literally funded the Mongols after Genghis Khan died, which should have led to the empire collapsing, and then got attacked once the Jin had been destroyed by the Mongols.
Their own military also sucked, because the entire court was basically working for the enemies, and the generals constantly had to relay each battle's strategy to the court even when the battles were days away, which mean they almost always lacked any initiative.
If it had been literally ANY other dynasty, they could have finished the Mongols off. It's not like Genghis Khan was the first steppe conqueror China had faced. But the Song constantly kept snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and ensured all of China got conquered by foreigners for the first time in history.
TheNightIsLost t1_j29rjlf wrote
Reply to comment by zucksucksmyberg in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
The Mongols had a LOT of conquerors though. There was only one Alexander, but there were dozens of great Mongol generals.
And to make things better, the Mongol Empire coalesced at precisely the time when the Number 1 breaker of steppe empires, China, was in no position to fight them thanks to a horrible civil war and the dumbest goddamned Dynasty to ever rule the country.
It also helped that the other great horse riding empire, the Muslims, were basically in pieces at the time. So the Mongols could easily defeat them one at a time.
They weren't quite as lucky when fighting empires that were perfectly fine tho. The Indians beat them so easily that they barely even remember fighting them at all. The Vietnamese utterly humiliated them, hilariously so.
TheNightIsLost t1_j29mkp9 wrote
Reply to comment by zucksucksmyberg in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
Alexander was the greatest conqueror in history, but he was not really a great king. He was basically his mom's puppet in Macedon and had to try to conquer new lands before he could consider himself sovereign....and then he screwed things up due to his Persophilia and so his generals took over after he died.
In fact, they may well have helped him along by poisoning him, but that's not confirmed.
TheNightIsLost t1_j29kkdy wrote
Reply to comment by ELDE8 in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
Alexander did have a son who succeeded him. But the boy got killed and his kingdom usurped by a treacherous regent named Cassander right as he was old enough to take over.
TheNightIsLost t1_j29aaqj wrote
Reply to comment by Obvious_Swimming3227 in TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved. by Flares117
Except Phillip of Macedon. His son proved far greater than he could hope to be.
TheNightIsLost t1_j245kak wrote
Reply to comment by RoyalSloth in TIL that on average women live five years longer than men, and that by age 85 around 67% of the population is female in the US. by Successful-Depth-235
What kind of normal person scrounges up a veritable sea of paragraphs and links like that? Also, you posted the same comment in a reply to your OG comment, which isn't something that can just happen.
TheNightIsLost t1_j242wfy wrote
Reply to comment by RoyalSloth in TIL that on average women live five years longer than men, and that by age 85 around 67% of the population is female in the US. by Successful-Depth-235
Are you a frikking bot?
TheNightIsLost t1_j23fo0k wrote
Reply to comment by Ciscoblue113 in TIL that on average women live five years longer than men, and that by age 85 around 67% of the population is female in the US. by Successful-Depth-235
.....let me guess, you live in a place with a big drinking culture?
TheNightIsLost t1_j23fjey wrote
Reply to comment by RoyalSloth in TIL that on average women live five years longer than men, and that by age 85 around 67% of the population is female in the US. by Successful-Depth-235
>If anything women have more reason than men to be stressed out given that we live in a, y’know, patriarchy.
Makes no sense. Living under oppression actually makes people LESS stressed, since they know they have no control over their lives and don't worry about it.
It's why atheistic democracies have such high rates of suicide and depression, whereas religious and more authoritarian states have less.
TheNightIsLost t1_ixpnwjx wrote
Reply to comment by marketrent in Ancient Ukrainian “megasites” may have been the world’s first cities, challenging long-held views on the beginnings of urbanism by marketrent
What about Gobekli Tope?
Also, that region, Fertile Crescent and Eurasia, seems to be the birthplace of our entire modern civilization.
TheNightIsLost t1_j90keqv wrote
Reply to comment by RoChambeauxPDX in TIL beavers are a keystone species, which means they play an important role in ecosystems by modifying the area in a way that is beneficial to plants and animals by jewkakasaurus
We are. Imagine what happens to urban animals if humans go extinct.