
TheOkayestLawyer t1_iuvyryu wrote

I had that commute pre-COVID and my work had no remote capability because we handled lots of sensitive health information and the firm didn’t want to risk any HIPAA or other liability. So, I was doing that every day for two years. I’m amazed I was able to sustain it for that long because it took a toll on just about every aspect of my life.


TheOkayestLawyer t1_iuvkg2p wrote

Used to commute from Baltimore to Farragut North in DC. To avoid packed trains in the morning, I’d get to the MARC station at 4:20-4:30. Would usually be walking into the office/gym at 6:30. Couldn’t leave work until 4:30 at the earliest, so the train was packed coming home, plus delays and afternoon traffic once the train got back to Baltimore, I’d often not get home until 6:30 or 7:00pm.

In short? Miserable.


TheOkayestLawyer t1_iu5ket2 wrote

Dennis is the absolute man. Nicest dude in the world and yeah, he’s doing a stellar job with Mahaffey’s. He’s not trying to make it something it’s not; he’s not trying to expand or make it huge. He’s keeping it a cool neighborhood pub. Can’t say enough good things about him and how he runs Mahaffey’s.


TheOkayestLawyer t1_iu4gyl1 wrote

Certainly can’t dispute anything you’ve heard; only wanted to speak to my own interactions. Fortunately I’m able to not know too much about Cantonian drama because I don’t go sniffing around for it. I only heard about this because the regulars at the Cardinal seem to still go to their previous bar a lot, so I only heard about this while drinking with a few of those guys.


TheOkayestLawyer t1_iu4c9dt wrote

The rumor I’ve heard is that the owner was overheard dropping the n-word while in the bar itself. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know anything firsthand, and I haven’t even been to the Cardinal itself in about two months. Most of my friends and I stick closer to the square or go over to Fells.

If the owner did in fact drop the n-word, that’s abhorrent and I support the staff quitting and whoever else boycotts the place. The only thing I’ll say—in NO WAY defending the use of that word in ANY situation or context—is that I knew the Cardinal’s owner from their previous bar. Didn’t know them super well, but always friendly and on a first-name basis, and based on my interactions, those allegations genuinely surprised me, as I never took them to be the type of person to say such vile things. But, as I said, if it happened, fuck ‘em.