
TheShishkabob t1_jdtg8py wrote

In the continuing saga of how you're wrong, you picked out the proven lie to attempt to make a point.

Lochte wasn't robbed. That's the lie he told but it was actually proven that the "robbers" were security guards and what they were doing was stopping him and a group of other swimmers since they were pissing on the side of a gas station and vandalized a framed poster of some kind.

I can kind of give the media a pass for the initial mistake since swimming was one of the bigger Olympic sports for Americans at the time, but the correction was issued months later and you've had eight years of debunking that source already.


TheShishkabob t1_jdrlu4l wrote

Have you tried actually reading the comments?

>I hope not just because of their huge crime problem.

That started this chain. This was followed by someone pointing out that Brazil, who hosted the Olympics a mere 8 years ago, has a higher crime rate. You then barged in, like an absolute buffoon might I add, and pretend that a direct comparison to an actual and recent Olympic host nation was somehow "whataboutism".

You're wrong because you refuse to read or don't know what the words you're responding to and with mean. That's either illiteracy or ignorance, take your pick. So yes, you are indeed "the one that needs to take the L".


TheShishkabob t1_j5aq6lo wrote

You've studied "a lot" but never realized that laws still exist under communism? You're attributing the very concept of a legal system with capitalism for some reason but in reality the two are not the same at all.

Anyone saying that "nothing can be centralized" under fucking communism doesn't know the first thing about it.


TheShishkabob t1_iuc0blk wrote

It's possible, but he's been allegedly fawning over Hitler privately for 4+ years and yet the public antisemitism (to this degree) is new.

Mental illness doesn't need to be an excuse to factor into the conversation. Pretending it's impossible that it's a factor is as stupid as saying bipolar is the reason he's antisemitic.