
TheSiegmeyerCatalyst t1_j2bt3ke wrote

I was the same way after high school. It wasn't until I was graduated from college with a full time job that I finally tried getting back into it.

It was slow going at first. I did short stories (HP Lovecraft mostly), but still barely read more than a few pages a night.

It wasn't until I picked up The Martian on a whim in 2021 that I just fell back in love with reading. I did 6 books that same year, up from 0 the previous 10 years. I'm 2022 I squeezed in 17.

My only resolution is just to keep reading and keep enjoying it. One a month is a great place to start, especially reading a little each night before bed. I hope you find that one book or series that just unlocks the passion in you again!


TheSiegmeyerCatalyst t1_j2b6j32 wrote

Hyperion is this way, too.

There are a grand total of 2 women in the story who have any meaningful part to play at all who are not sexualized. Dan Simmons has an uncomfortable fixation on describing breasts and nipples. Not even battle scenes or underage girls are safe.

Book reads like a competent adult author did a professional rendition of a high school boy's draft of a scifi plot.