
TheUnweeber t1_je54v25 wrote

He's not right, but he's not wrong. There is no solution in complaining about it, only in doing something about it - and often, that's harder than it looks.

Even so, you'll make infinitely more of a difference if you do than if you complain.

People are kind of lazy. They want to push conflict back to the point where it's inevitable, and they "have to," rather than making the changes that need to be done now - mostly inside their own hearts. ..not that they can help it - you are who you are until you change, and what it takes to change is different for each person.


TheUnweeber t1_jbo2h4v wrote

Yes, but there's no 'proven' absolute minimum.

It also depends on what you want the thing to do, and what you call life. If you're just saying 'reproduction in an optimal environment', then the code could be pretty small if placed in a bath of ideal organic molecules.

That said, 1700 base pairs is pretty damned small, and a living environment (with all of its own mechanisms of production) probably is the most optimal environment.

Basically the plans for a virus vs that for bacteria are orders of magnitude in different complexity.

Virus: must have keys to a factory and plans that work in that factory to make more virii.

Bacteria: Must have plans for the entire factory.


TheUnweeber t1_j2du1rx wrote

Read: rise above the tendency to control the government and law to reflect your version of 'right', and settle for the bits that are either universally agreeable. Then work with others to provide the services you wish to see in the world, without forcing them down others' throats.


TheUnweeber t1_iyqt79q wrote

Dig and bottle jack, then push it a tad too far the other way (but still within the realm of what works for your gate). Then brace low with 4x4s, remove bottle jack and make sure it has stopped settling before you pour the concrete. Maybe throw some rebar in there, it's cheap.

Mortar and concrete are fine for compression, but the makers may only have put rebar in the far side of that (if any). That means pushing on it might cause it to separate. That's why you should dig and bottle jack.