TheYokedYeti t1_iybj0xo wrote
Reply to comment by HisNameWas_HARAMBE in U.S. provides $53M for Ukraine energy grid as NATO presents united front by gravitron
You are less important. Trust me
TheYokedYeti t1_iybev5i wrote
Reply to Modern Slavery Is a Global Problem in All Renewable Energy Supply Chains: New Report by chrisdh79
I hate to break it to people but a lot of your shit is through slave or near slave like labor.
TheYokedYeti t1_it23aiv wrote
Wtf I would rather have oil. Coal is the dirtiest of energy sources
TheYokedYeti t1_iybj2ve wrote
Reply to comment by 12gawkuser in U.S. provides $53M for Ukraine energy grid as NATO presents united front by gravitron
This is a good use of money. Dictators don’t just stop invading. Want WW3? Let Putin keep pushing the limit