
The_WereArcticFox OP t1_iuk2i7r wrote

Also I find it hard to believe that people in power who say that they are "Pro Life" when they are actively working to:

- Imprison or execute women who access safe abortion care.

- Tear babies away from their parents and lock them in cages, with no plan to reunite them.

- Silence doctors and strip reproductive healthcare away from millions of low-income people.

- Stand by while the maternal mortality rates skyrocket and women who are in poverty die in childbirth

- Deny affordable healthcare coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

- Cut programs that feed hungry kids.

- Block access to HIV testing and treatment across the globe.

I can go on.


The_WereArcticFox OP t1_iujwjvo wrote

I consider myself quite left winged. I am pro choice, I'm mixed race, LGBTQ, anti gun, anti war, I believe in many social reforms from ending homelessness to helping the disabled to prison reforms, and so on.

However I do believe that we need a strong police force to maintain order, it's just that they need to be properly trained. Also a tweet or a comment or anything that you made 7 years ago shouldn't get you fired from a job.

I'm also only allow the death penalty to people who did the worst crimes imaginable and there is a mountain of evidence that proves that they are guilty.