
Then_Quit t1_iyegd8x wrote

Last week I watched The Little Drummer Girl (2018) with Florence Pugh, Alexander Skarsgård, and Michael Shannon. It was a 6 part miniseries about a British actress recruited by the Israelis to infiltrate a Palestinian rebel group in the late 70's. I really liked it. The main theme I think was that you have to pick a side and commit yourself to it - you can't be apolitical. Somehow I hadn't heard of it until recently when someone on here mentioned it.


Then_Quit t1_iuivjov wrote

Downsizing was pitched as a comedy about shrinking people, and for about half an hour it was just that. About 2/3 into the movie I was like, "wait...what fucking movie am I watching?".

I didn't watch any of the trailers for Prey, and just started watching it without any research. It took me way too long to realize it was a Predator movie. Honestly I probably would have skipped it had I known beforehand, but I'm glad I didn't. It was a lot of fun.