
Thethinginsideus t1_is2jck3 wrote

Ok pal you clearly played your hand and are overselling the legal market. Just re read your comments back to people. How tf would you know the market stability and to encourage pipe sales at a dispensary instead of the glass shops locally is stupid. Guarantee your an investor or proprietor to be selling your bs opinion. I’m pro grow and DIY but hey go enjoy the legal overpriced market. You sound like a cheap salesman.


Thethinginsideus t1_is2hkxy wrote

To paint the “illicit market” to be as bad as you’re saying is just false. Maybe I’m the 80s and 90s there was some sketchy stuff but you paint a picture of your typical refer madness. I grow and have procured from others and never have I felt the quality was garbage, overpriced or my safety or time was effected. This brings me to what’s your angle?


Thethinginsideus t1_is2ezck wrote

This seems very biased and possible agenda?? To throw shade at “illicit market” like your meeting some thug in an ally or no show is not my experience. I’d say your not mixing in the right circle. The quality is the same except prices legally are too steep for the average person to justify paying.
