
ThisAcanthocephala36 t1_jc9miql wrote

Finding hard unsolved problems, breaking off a small piece of one of them, and coordinating all of the resources and people necessary to solve it.

Other than that? Finding a niche as a fine craftsperson in an industry that’s already been “automated”, but handmade goods still command a premium if they’re any good. I personally know people in jewellery, furniture and textiles. It’s a long, hard road, but it’s durable.


ThisAcanthocephala36 t1_jab7qcz wrote

AI companies are going to lose every class action lawsuit currently taking shape, brought by artists whose work is being used, uncredited, without permission, in training data. A previous generation also convinced itself that laws did not apply to the Internet, and they lost. Good luck with your ignorant maximalism, I hope it takes you far before you hit a wall.