Thisteamisajoke t1_jdxojqa wrote
Reply to comment by Cody_in_Baltimore in Mayor Scott says contractor can’t discharge treated waste from Ohio train crash in city wastewater system by Cody_in_Baltimore
Good, make the rail company store it at their greedy CEO's house.
Thisteamisajoke t1_jdxl7np wrote
They look beautiful. Hold you nose.
Thisteamisajoke t1_jd1kjrd wrote
Reply to Payday loan? by [deleted]
If you can, you'd be much better off getting a cash advance on a credit card, if you absolutely need the money. Also, I'd recommend going to the storage place. Bring something that shows you have a new job, and ask if they will give you a chance to pay after your next check. They'd probably rather have your rent than auction it, honestly.
Thisteamisajoke t1_jbcx747 wrote
Reply to Potentially moving to Baltimore by psychissick
I went to grad school in Boston, and live in Baltimore now. Boston is so insanely expensive. All things equal though, I love Boston. Baltimore is great, Boston is an all-time city. Either way, you'll be in a great place.
Thisteamisajoke t1_jaaoci1 wrote
Reply to One day visit with kids. Need some guidance. by socalasn
For sure go to Locust Point Steamers then check out the stadium. No games right now, but I guess the stadium is cool. I'd recommend the aquarium instead, but that's up to you.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j9i41ee wrote
Reply to Another word for Row House? by dddddddssss
Thisteamisajoke t1_j67e3h6 wrote
My dad has a huge box of old nikon lenses, I think he even has maybe an f1 and f2 body. Lmk if that's interesting to you. These would be early late 60s Era stuff.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j5x65g9 wrote
Reply to comment by Jammyhobgoblin in Alan Sepinwall: ‘Poker Face’ Is a Star-Studded, Highly-Addictive Case-of-the-Week Series by SanderSo47
Perhaps it was Guy Buttersnaps?
Thisteamisajoke t1_j5x4ym0 wrote
Reply to comment by hello_orwell in Alan Sepinwall: ‘Poker Face’ Is a Star-Studded, Highly-Addictive Case-of-the-Week Series by SanderSo47
I believe you mean photographer Bruton Gaster.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j5699n7 wrote
Reply to Sunday morning pastries by atayajohn
Cafe Poupon is outstanding!
Thisteamisajoke t1_j30h2h3 wrote
Reply to comment by justhere4bookbinding in Any opinions on who has the best pizza in Baltimore? by rowdeerob
I guess not. Lol.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j2z0i24 wrote
I really like &pizza. Non-traditional, but the toppings are amazing, and my family loves it.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j1wwimo wrote
Reply to comment by BmoreCityDOT in Baltimore local needs help by Holiday-Corner4825
This is awesome.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j1fin3n wrote
Reply to comment by Purple_Box3317 in bakeries in Baltimore?? by paturner2012
Cafe Poupon is there sister store, and has much nicer service. More bread focused I believed, vs more pastry focused.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j1fijbd wrote
Reply to bakeries in Baltimore?? by paturner2012
Cafe Poupon. Absolutely the best.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j0iodu4 wrote
Reply to comment by jabbadarth in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
Yeah, you're probably right.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j0io2zf wrote
Reply to comment by jabbadarth in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
Yeah, they seem to have been done for a couple months now.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j0i6dwf wrote
Reply to comment by BmoreCityDOT in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
Thank you so much! Please let them know all the work they did across Fed Hill is garbage, and they need to come back and repave everything. Btw, it's awesome you're active on here. It's easy to feel like the Baltimore City government doesn't care about anyone, this gives me some hope.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j0hwgxm wrote
Reply to comment by BmoreCityDOT in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
That's good to know. They have clearly stopped their work, and the patch jobs they did are atrocious. Is DOT in contact with them? Have they been told their work is unacceptable? It really seems like they think they're done. Thanks for the reply, btw.
Thisteamisajoke t1_j0hnmh2 wrote
My wife and I were just commenting that we noticed the scooters parked in the corrals more often. We used to laugh that the only place a scooter was never parked was in the corrals. Whatever you did, it seems to have worked. Can I ask, is BGE going to repave the streets in Fed Hill after they dug them up and did a laughingly bad job patching them up? Charles Street is a mess.
Thisteamisajoke t1_iyfco8z wrote
Reply to Help an out-of-towner find good food. by Giggysword01
Obligatory Ekiben plug. Also Locust Point Steamers for crabs. Lots of good food across Baltimore.
Thisteamisajoke t1_jdyq9cs wrote
Reply to comment by TIL02Infinity in Mayor Scott says contractor can’t discharge treated waste from Ohio train crash in city wastewater system by Cody_in_Baltimore