t1_j1iaixs wrote

>"The other characters were just shitty, boring, obnoxious rich people doing shitty stuff."

I watched one episode and abandoned it partially because of this. It gave me a strong Wes Anderson vibe and I can't stand Wes Anderson. This does not mean it is terrible, it is just (it seems to me) a specific type of humor targeted to a specific demographic. Personally, I can't stand this kind of humor but a ton of very smart people that I know absolutely love this stuff and eat it up and find it hilarious. It's just a perspective thing. I think it's more prevalent if you grow up with money and privilege because you're exposed to these type of characters and this behavior so it triggers a strong response maybe? All the people I know that love this stuff grew up kind of like that but that's not my world so I'm really just guessing.


t1_iuu13pb wrote

The private school cost per student comparison is specious. You can't compare them one for one. Private schools aren't forced to serve special education students which is where the bulk of the per student costs go along with the lawsuits when accommodations are not met.