Tom_Bombadilio t1_j24x1me wrote
Reply to comment by Just1morefix in The 1984 Dune film makes a lot more sense if The Spice is referred to as Space Cocaine instead. by neoengel
DMT analogue in a universe full of spaceships that run on DMT as well.
Tom_Bombadilio t1_j24vin7 wrote
Reply to comment by RoughConqureor in Texas man appeals death sentence, stating Comedy Central episode violated his rights by djc8
Even if they don't execute them they are still making life or death decisions. Imprisonment of over 30 years (literal) is essentially a death penalty. Taking someone away from their family and withdrawing them from society for 30 years or more is essentially a death sentence. They come out as a felon with virtually no relevant skills and a rudimentary at best understanding of technology, in thier 50s minimum, most likely with a body feeling its age, unable to do hard labor. No one wants to hire them and they don't have the social skills or understanding of society to be successful and have lost the majority of their life already. Like congrats your free, now go struggle like the 20 year old fast food wage slaves for the rest of your existence until you decide to give up or act out.
Tom_Bombadilio t1_j26acyw wrote
Reply to comment by RogueLiter in The 1984 Dune film makes a lot more sense if The Spice is referred to as Space Cocaine instead. by neoengel
I need to read at least the first in the series..