
TommyTuttle t1_j60qjqm wrote

You probably need a 120 volt light bulb; European power is 240 volts. The bulb that’s in there may work ok or not, depending on its type. LED is often set up with an internal solid state regulator so it’s pretty likely to work well. Incandescent will be dim. Fluorescent will probably not work.

Totally fine to swap the plug tho. Just make sure you can get a 120v bulb to fit that socket. If you can’t, you might replace the whole cord/socket assembly. They can easily be picked up on Amazon or eBay or wherever.


TommyTuttle t1_j5qa6nf wrote

Reply to comment by bikerlegs in Why does hot air cool? by AspGuy25

But I’m confused about one thing: wind chill does not reduce actual temperatures. If water is in a chamber at one degree above freezing with a wind chill of 20 below, that water will not freeze. Because the temperature is still above freezing. The only freezing you’d get is due to evaporative cooling, ie an actual drop in the real local temperature of the water.

Metal is not subject to evaporative cooling. So I’m confused as to how wind chill might lower temperatures in a hot chamber. You’d think the wind would bring everything rapidly to the air temperature.


TommyTuttle t1_j2srpf5 wrote

You know, I’m usually okay with people who ask these kinds of questions when they could have googled. Sometimes the specific thing might not come up at the top and it’s easier to just have someone explain. It’s normal.

But this is asinine. There’s only one thing that comes up when you google Mediterranean diet and it’s the fucking Mediterranean diet. Its not a diet plan you buy, it’s just a kind of food. The type of thing that people who live by the Mediterranean Sea tend to eat.


TommyTuttle t1_j1zuba1 wrote

We’re not telling them that they have been detected. We’re telling them that we’re the biggest badasses around and we’ve got no reason to hide from the likes of them.

We’ve got a fire pit over by that drum circle and the drums are made of animal skins. We hunt in packs, and on that fire you’ll notice we’re roasting a creature that’s bigger than you are. We didn’t eat it where we killed it. We carried it for miles. Come and get it if you can. We’re right here.

Imagine a lion with the balls to attack that camp. Not gonna happen. They’re not stupid.


TommyTuttle t1_j1uy2ns wrote

Winter in Washington, not a problem to park a wet car inside. The humidity indoors is lower than you might guess, thanks to the difference in temperature. Things will dry out just fine. The concrete will be undamaged; it will not be subject to freezing or anything. The portion of your garage that is below grade will be the cause of all your water troubles; a few drops on your car will be nothing.


TommyTuttle t1_izlp1wp wrote

Projection at its finest. Nobody mentioned race until you brought it up, you divisive communist shit. The quick brown fox is the only one who can save our country! Why do you hate our freedom?


TommyTuttle t1_ixv4xbh wrote

Those will happily hook up to a dust collection system and can also hook up to a shop vac. Some fans simply haven’t got the power to push against a pressure differential such as a breeze blowing the wrong way. Shop vac is noisy but will definitely do the job. I know you don’t want to leave a shop vac outside (nature abhors a vacuum) but the basic theme here is you need to really move a decent amount of air with a purpose built suction system of some kind. A more powerful fan would be a good place to start.