
TopRamenisha t1_ivit925 wrote

They aren’t wrong just because you don’t like their sources. China and India cultivated eggplant varieties for thousands of years. Eggplant was introduced to the Americas in the early 1500s, with varieties that are similar or the same as varieties we have available to this day. You’re calling this “settled information” when it’s not settled.


TopRamenisha t1_ivisll7 wrote

That second link is not entirely accurate. Humans have been selectively breeding crops for hundreds, even thousands of years. For example, corn is derived from grasses, but the Aztecs were genetically modifying corn through selective breeding 10,000 years ago. Archeological finds of ancient corn cobs still resemble corn cobs we would see today. There are heirloom varieties of pretty much every food on that list that have been around for hundreds of years.
