
TotallyErratic t1_iu9bp1e wrote

I'd say its fairly walkable by American city standards. Sure, it's no Paris, London, or Tokyo, but when you compare to the monstrosity such as Houston, Dallas, LA, and Atlanta, its definitely walkable.

If you live in financial district, beacon hill, or back bay, the city is very walkable.


TotallyErratic t1_itqfrgm wrote

I have never heard of an issue with 1st month rent, so I have no idea how that one works.

As for last month, I don't recall it needing to be in escrow. Mass Legal Help ( only show it needs to be in an interest bearing account. It explicitly mention that the landlord doesnt need to keep it in a separate account.

Then again, I am not a lawyer. Someone who is can probably point to the actual language and interpretation.