
t1_j2f4dm9 wrote

If you start the year with an allocated budget, you are careful to make it last to cover emergencies and essentials. When you have limited time before the next budget arrives you can switch to the 'nice to haves to increase productivity/replace before they fail' it's basic common sense not rocket science. It is a tried and tested approach that works. Underspending is a recipe for future unexpected expenditure.


t1_j2f47ew wrote

If you start the year with an allocated budget, you are careful to make it last to cover emergencies and essentials. When you have limited time before the next budget arrives you can switch to the 'nice to haves to increase productivity/replace before they fail' it's basic common sense not rocket science. It is a tried and tested approach that works.


t1_j2cx5jp wrote

It has kind of been understood for a couple of generations at LEAST that this is not the case? There are three decision making centres in the body and only one of those is in the head. The sense of self is largely centered there so it 'feels' like it should be the answer. Plus, intuitively, you can lose arms and legs and function but not the head. So it made sense to assume that before they realised Neurons exited throughout the entire body.
