
Tricky_Appearance_66 t1_izzu2j9 wrote

As I stood in the mayor's office, listening to his wants to help the city, I began to think.

I am so tired of being treated like this. I coke from a world of magic, and wonder. This place had none of that. And sure the Magium wasn't the best of the realms but it was home. I came here in order to help balance this unstable world. And what do I get?

Nothing. That's what.

Actually, I'm getting less than nothing. Everything I do for them is at my expense. What the fuck am I going to do with the key to the city? Nothing. At least pay me. But no, apparently "truly good people shouldn't want anythign back" well fuck that. I'm not a good person. Nobody is. You don't bite the hand that feeds you, lest you get struck. And that's what will happen for them. Crimes rates will increase, eiosmts may ensue. And hell, I'd probably join the villains side. At least they have a union. Me and my rival are pretty much actors, anyway. They kill some citizens, I stop them, we do it again the next week. We don't even hate each other, we actually hang out occasionally.

"What do you mean 'no?'" the mayor asked. I sighed.

"I mean no. Now, au revoir, you asshole." I said, gripping the air as if I was choking him. His throat began to close, feeling the effects of my power. I lifted him in the air, and closed my fist. There was a satisfying crunch, followed by the thud of the mayor hitting the ground, blood pooling out of his throat. There was an explosion, and my nemesis stepped into the hole the explosion had made.

"I already killed him, Chara. No need to fight today. But they're probably going to hunt me down for this. So I have a proposition." I said, stepping over the mayor, and sitting in his chair. Chara nodded, intrigued.

"I want to be your roommate. They'd easily find me with my current address. They've never found you before. And I'd even team up with you. And we'd get to go to that ice cream place more often. What do you say, Chara? Yes or no. Make your choice." I said, leaning in, a grin spreading across my face. Chara grinned back.

"Of course. Just think of all we could do..."


Tricky_Appearance_66 t1_ixmj44s wrote

Yeah. She didn't expect there to be a child with him, and she likes killing people creatively, so death by train seemed like a cool idea. Sucks to be the kid I guess.


Tricky_Appearance_66 t1_ixmgz4n wrote

I stood back, admiring my creation. A motion-sensitive device, that shot anti-magic metal rope around the target. I would kill that damn detective, no matter what. Something always got in the way before, but now now. I hid around the corner, waiting. But when Detective Slaton arrived, he had... a child with him?!

A fucking child?! Who the hell does he think he is? Shit. Before I could even react, they activated the device's motion sensor, and the metal rope shot out, and wrapped around them so tightly that the both fell the the ground. Seeing that kid on the ground crying made me feel bad, a little bit. I turned the corner, showing myself to the detective.

"Slaton. I can't tell you in words how fucked up you have to be to bring a kid with you when you're trying to catch someone like me." I scolded, hands on my hips, giving him a disappointed look through my mask as he lie on the ground. He shrugged.

"Thought you'd have a change of heart." He said. This asshat tried to guilt trip me with a child? What an asshole. I crouched down to he more on his level.

"I'll cut you a deal. I let you two live, and in return, I give you my name. Fair?" I said, not wanting to have to kill a kid today. He thought for a moment.

He nodded.

"Fine, just don't hurt the kid." He said. I'm not going to give him my real name for my sake, but I'll give him fake one.

"My name is Suyeung Han. S-u-y-e-u-n-g H-a-n is how you spell it. I'm the Jericho Killer. You can call me by either name. But I'm going to leave now. And for your sake, I hope you make it out before the train comes. We're on a train track, after all." I said, walking away as they struggled to get out of their bindings, and as I left I could've sworn I heard the kid crying. That's for guilt tripping me.

Until next time, Detective Slaton.