
t1_j6ofp4l wrote

Instant gratification, social media (tiktok, snapchat, Youtube shorts, FB stories) making people only want to consume 30 seconds of entertainment before moving on to the next funny video or whatever. Not to sound like a grumpy old man, but I feel like a lot of people who ask this question are younger and need to be entertained NOW. But I also understand that some middle aged people might ask this too because they don't have much free time and need to be more selective in what they watch in their spare time.


t1_j1c90ce wrote

Yeah something weird is going on, the past few days reddit has been showing me low quality posts from a few random subs that I usually don't go into very often. They'll be tons of posts shown with 0 up votes and some either really dumb question, or some super generic question that's been asked 400 million times and it'll only have like 2-5 comments and it's from 5 hours ago. Why TF should I care about these posts? I guess maybe now they're trying to get me to go into the subs themselves to see posts with thousands of upvotes instead of just scrolling thru my "home" feed to see all the good shit?


t1_iuatv6c wrote

The way I engage with people who complain all the time to an annoying level is at first I just completely stop engaging when they start up again. Don't reply to anything, no "uh-huh's" or "wow, that's crazy" or other obvious signs that you're not interested in anything they're saying. Instead now I just hijack the conversation and always try to steer it to something else. If they're the type of person who will eventually bitch and moan about any topic you try and change the convo to, they I just start straight up calling them out: "Hey you're complaining again" or "you're doing that thing with your mouth that sounds a lot like whining". If after all that, they still don't make a conscious effort to change their behavior, then just cut them off completely. Not worth the time and effort, especially if you've only known them for a few months. You might not realize this until your 30's, but the sooner you cut people out of your life that only cause/want to talk about drama all the time, the happier you will be. You have enough shit to worry about already with your school, your family, and your job, etc....