Tukkerisnoob t1_izsv0qp wrote
Reply to comment by bmxbumpkin in Used drywall compound instead of tile adhesive. How screwed am I ? by xdr567
Indeed, itll stay on . Untill your steam from cooking takes them off and your backsplash takes a swim in your dinner...order food in and redo it then, will be a good story on birthdays
Tukkerisnoob t1_izsuqe3 wrote
Are you flipping the house? Leave it on, if you hope for them to stay on longer than spaghetti cooking time, follow the average advice on here
Tukkerisnoob t1_izswiat wrote
Reply to comment by Starlordy- in Used drywall compound instead of tile adhesive. How screwed am I ? by xdr567
Probably depends. Theres a big change the vacuum ( if properly aplied, which probably hasent happened lol ) will keep em sticked to the wall and the inevitable collapse of this backsplash willhappen when that vacuum fails completly unexpectedly because of too agressive breathing near the tiles.