
Tuorom t1_jcpjti6 wrote

I will spew my train of thought here, maybe redefine some terms hehe. Not that I disagree with what you said.

I never looked at optimism or pessimism as needing specificity in an outcome. It is more as an attitude toward the future and of possibilities, and not knowing. That's what I think of expectation, in that it expresses a specific outcome that I don't think necessarily applies to an attitude.

But then I don't view this as a strict dichotomy but a spectrum of feeling. There's a scale of perceived freedom. In the existential sense of starting with nothing, the optimist sees ways to engage with possibility while the pessimist still sees nothing, within the context of each choice. The pessimist negates what is inherent to them while the optimist perceives various levels of possibility that is subjective to them.

So I see pessimism as seeing no meaningful choice and no freedom, the bottom where we all start, and optimism is any level above that where we actively engage, positivity, as it relates to existentialism. People with more optimism can feel like more is possible, that more choices can be made. Like that Bernard Shaw quote "There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”


Tuorom t1_jclkraz wrote

> I'd also argue that the more negative take is almost always closer to reality than the positive take.

People tend to overly lean on negativity. It's why you can be sure a negative opinion will reach further and persist despite any evidence to the contrary. People don't want to be hurt.

Being optimistic is not about expectations either, it's about seeing the potential in people or things. It's not "he is the best person and will never let me down" but "he has good qualities and I would like to see him cultivate them". It's akin to Existentialism and there being no inherent meaning but infinite space for you to fill with meaning.


Tuorom t1_j9kdigj wrote

Tangent but I was thinking about it last night lol

The thing that interests me right now is the isolation of the consciousness from outside causes. You could argue that there is no barrier such that outside stimuli influence the brain and the chemicals it creates and thus how we choose. But it's this idea of consideration, of thinking. A pause to consider pathways. We can be influenced but does this ever determine the outcome? Does a time of deliberation within the mind ever create a break in causality, and thus free will? Or is deliberation equally something with a direct cause?

Like have you ever thought of something and been set on a certain understanding, thought about it, and a new understanding upends your perspective? Was that determined to happen? What was the influence upon this sudden intuition? Could it be that this change is not from a causal chain but emergent from the mind?

What's been on my mind is energy. We can imagine possibility. How does the mind have this creativity if it is set in stone? Is the ability to imagine myself in a lego castle determined? Is it possible to imagine something we have not perceived? If a mind creates an alien species like in Peter Watts Blindsight, did he achieve this from causes influencing him or was it the potential of his brain to create new ideas? Even if his creature is made of things he has seen, how can this lead to him combining patterns, thoughts, and ideas into something that is not real? Is there a break from one thing to another such that free will exists and that we choose our path through consideration of possibilities that do not yet exist but are imagined?

Random idea: in the show Dark (all the spoilers) >!the loop is destroyed through a loophole where time is completely stopped, and so cause and effect is effectively stopped. A break. Does time exist within the mind, and therefore does cause and effect exist there?!<


Tuorom t1_j9fz01d wrote

He also got rid of 'fate' which to me always seemed to be another cop out and appeal to a higher power rather than people engaging with the extent of their autonomy.

"it is my fate"/"it's god's will", some bullshit lol